Mardi 22 Mars 2016
de 09:30 à 17:15
Débats Conférences
Hors les murs



Presentation of the results of the Building Bridges project 

Vivien Pertusot, Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri), France 


Do Europeans still like (each) others?

With Julie Hamann, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Germany, Antoinette Primatarova, Centre for Liberal Strategies (CLS), Bulgaria and Marton Ugrosdy, Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT), Hungary.


Coffee break


Is growth still associated with the EU?

With Yiannos Ioannou, Cyprus Centre for European and International Affairs, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, Lola Raich, Austrian Institute for International Politics (OIIP), Austria and Senada Selo Sabic, Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Croatia.




How to strengthen the EU in member states?

With Ana Benje, Institute of European Studies and International Relations, Comenius Unversity, Slovakia, Maja Kluger Rasmussen, Think Europa, Denmark, Guido Lessing, Centre for European Studies and Research (CERE), Luxembourg and Mihai Sebe, European Institute of Romania (IER), Romania.

15h30 -15h45

Coffee break


Does the EU need to be more active in the world?

With Dominique David, Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri), France, Sandra Fernandes, University of Minho, Portugal and Roderick Pace, Institute for European Studies, University of Malta.


Please see the full programme below (PDF file).

Follow @Bridg_EU on Twitter and join the debate #BB4EU.


The project Building Bridges between National Perspectives on the EU is co-funded by the “Europe for citizens” programme of the European Union. 


eu_flag_europe_for_citizens_co_funded.jpg, by eva_vaudolon