Mardi 05 Septembre 2017
de 18:00 à 19:30
Hamburg, Germany. December 8th 2016: 23rd OSCE Ministerial Council in Hamburg
Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Ifri Paris

Notably since the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict, hopes have been high that the organization may serve as a platform for conflict resolution and dialogue. Realities within the OSCE prove, however, more difficult to handle. Political divides make cooperation difficult, as becomes obvious in a number of areas ranging from budget matters to the OSCE’s presence in the field.

What are the key issues currently debated, and where do dividing lines run? 

In cooperation with the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions these questions will be discussed in a circle of invited guests and specialists.


  • William H. Hill, former Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, and former Professor of National Security Strategy at the National War College in Washington DC
  • Andrei Zagorski, Head of the IMEMO Department of Arms Control and Conflict Resolution Studies, and Professor of International Relations at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations


  • Barbara Kunz, Research Fellow, French Institute for International Relations, ifri


This conference will be held in English. Invitation only.