
Research Fellow, Study Committee on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa) 

Research Interests:

  • Domestic political debates in European Union member states
  • International relations of the EU
  • Human Security, Minority rights, social cohesion
  • Transportation and urban policies


Marie Krpata works as a Research Fellow at Cerfa, dedicating her research activities to the European Union and the external relations of the Franco-German couple. She gained her main study and work experiences in Austria, France and Germany.

Before joining the Cerfa in September 2020, she worked in non-governmental and international organisations on the human dimension of security, as well as in consultancies where she carried out infrastructure and transportation projects in emerging countries as well as in Europe, in the frame of which she produced macro-economic, regulatory and strategic studies.

Domaines d'expertise
Groupe Daniel Vernet
Dialogue d'avenir franco-allemand
Allemagne (Cerfa)
L'Allemagne sur la scène internationale