Mardi 26 Mai 2015
de 11:15 à 13:30
Hors les murs

This event, co-organised by Ifri, SWP and PISM, attempted to identify the decisive steps for the European climate diplomacy in the run-up to COP21, with a particular focus on the role that France, Germany, Poland and the European institutions can play. The discussion also revolved around the convergence between EU’s position and those of the other parties to the negotiations. The ultimate goal was to share analyses on the potential outcomes of COP21 and define the impact it may have on the EU.   


11:15 - 12:45 : What goals and what means for COP21? Expert views

Oliver Geden, Head of EU Research Division, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
Carole Mathieu, Research Fellow, Ifri Center for Energy
Marek Wąsiński, Analyst, Polish Institute of International Affairs

Moderator: Vivien Pertusot, Director, Brussels Office, Ifri

12:45 - 13:30 : Lunch

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