Mercredi 20 Mai 2015
de 08:30 à 10:00
Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Ifri Paris

In the run up to COP21, CDC Climat Research and the Ifri Center for Energy are jointly organising “Climate Breakfast Roundtables “ bringing together key stakeholders with the aim of sharing analyses on the climate policies adopted at local, national and regional levels and on the potential outcomes of the Paris Climate Conference.

On Wednesday 20th May, CDC Climat Research and Ifri are honored to welcome Dr. Yetti Rusli, Senior Advisor to the Indonesian Minister for Environment and Climate Change, who will provide an overview of Indonesia’s domestic climate policy and its involvement in the international climate change negotiations. Her statement will be followed by a debate with the audience.

This is a closed-door seminar. In case you are unable to attend, please inform us whether another representative of your organization would be interested in this event.