

Research Fellow, Director of Ifri's Security Studies Center

Research Interests:

  • Guerrillas, terrorism, and insurgencies
  • Military operations
  • Security-defense continuum
  • Military history
Élie Tenenbaum is the Director of Ifri's Security Studies Center. A PhD graduate in History (2015) and a Sciences Po graduate (2010), he was a Visiting Fellow at Columbia University. He has taught international security at Sciences Po and the history of international relations at the University of Lorraine.
Élie Tenenbaum works in particular on issues of irregular warfare, the fight against terrorism and hybrid threats as well as on French defense policy and military operations. He is the author of numerous articles and books on history and strategy, including his latest book, co-authored with Marc Hecker, La guerre de vingt ans : djihadisme et contre-terrorisme au XXIe siècle (The Twenty Years' War: Jihadism and Counterterrorism in the XXIst Century), published by Robert Laffont in 2021.
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By: Elie TENENBAUM, Morgan PAGLIA, Nathalie RUFFIÉ

France is one of the few nations in the world to benefit from a permanent global military presence. With more than 10,000 military personnel from all three services, deployed across the five continents and the three main oceanic basins, it benefits from the second largest network of...


Although it had never entirely disappeared, the surface-to-air threat was mitigated for three decades by Western air superiority. It now benefits from a modernization and dissemination momentum that will increasingly hinder expeditionary forces’ freedom of action. 


This paper assesses the current state of the jihadist threat to France, as well as the French authorities’ security response. With the upcoming presidential election, 2017 will be a decisive year for the country. Terrorism will be at the heart of the campaign and ISIS will most likely try to...

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