Debates Conférences
Other Location
from 08:30 to 11:45
This event is for members

Turkey and the Arab World: Natural Partners?

Turkey and the Arab World: Natural Partners?

Following the release of the book La Turquie au Moyen Orient: le retour d'une puissance régionale? edited by Dorothée Schmid, head of the Contemporary Turkey Programme at Ifri, Ifri Brussels will host a seminar entitled "Turkey and the Arab World: Natural Partners?". For the past few years, the Turkish diplomacy has been extremely active in the region and has gained significant influence and respect. The Arab uprising has offered a unique opportunity for Turkey to strengthen its position in the region, but it has also brought about important challenges. This seminar will look into the "Turkish model" and whether it might be relevant for the region. The speakers will also discuss the expectations of the EU and the U.S. vis-à-vis the Turkish diplomacy in the Arab world, and question the future of cooperations in the region.

Please find the programme attached.

Conseil Central de l'Economie, Room 1, Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée 17-21 -1040 Brussels
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