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under an open access policy in French, English, German and Russian,
Ifri enriches the international debate with a constant concern for
objectivity, intellectual rigor, transversality, openness, and support to public and private decision-making.

79 Résultats
By: Mikko HUOTARI, Miguel OTERO-IGLESIAS, John SEAMAN, Alice EKMAN, (eds)

As China’s rise continues to shape and shake the course of international affairs, and Europe enters a new chapter in its collective history, Europe-China relations are becoming more relevant, but also much more complex.


The aim of this study consists of taking stock of strategic thinking in France and Germany. More concretely, it intends to identify compatible and incompatible aspects, as well as the potential for compromise, in these national considerations on the future of CSDP and NATO. In so doing, it...

By: Christophe BERTOSSI, John R. BOWEN, Jan Willem DUYVENDAK, Mona Lena KROOK, (eds.)

This book responds to the often loud debates about the place of Muslims in Western Europe by proposing an analysis based in institutions, including schools, courts, hospitals, the military, electoral politics, the labor market, and civic education courses. The...


Der 50. Jahrestag des Elysée-Vertrages am 22. Januar 2013 bietet einen geeigneten Anlass, die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen in Europa neu zu vermessen. Die Folgen des Umbruchs von 1989 betrafen nicht nur die globale und die europäische...