Publié le 28/05/2009

Jacques LESOURNE, William C. RAMSAY, (eds.)

A look at the world's oil and gas resources would lead any investor to Russia or the Middle East with the more adventuresome exploring opportunities in the Caspian Basin. But many of these oil and gas provinces are largely off limits for international investors, or the investment conditions have become so unpredictable that investors are forced to look elsewhere for the oil and gas to meet the world's increasing demand. Even if today's economic crisis has taken the urgency out of today's supply and demand balances, economic recovery will soon reveal the need for ever-increasing investment upstream.

This book includes four chapiters.

Introduction par Jacques Lesourne
Chapitre 1 : Oil and Political Violence in Nigeria [1]par Yvan Guichaoua
Chapitre 2 : Angola's Homegrown Answers to the "Resource Curse" par Nicholas Shaxson
Chapitre 3 : The Use of Oil Revenues in Africa par Géraud Magrin et Geert van Vliet
Chapitre 4 : Border Conflicts Tied to Hydrocarbons in the Great Lakes Region of Africa [2]par Benjamin Augé

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