Vendredi 23 Juin 2017
de 09:00 à 11:00
Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Ifri Paris

Barack Obama’s presidency was marked by a deterioration of U.S.-Russian relations, in particular following the Ukraine crisis. Despite the intentions of Trump during his campaign for a rapprochement with Moscow, his first days in office have been derailed by Russian interference in the U.S. elections and the alleged links between Trump’s inner circle and the Kremlin. Given these setbacks, how are U.S.-Russian relations progressing in the context of several key issues at stake (INF, Ukrainian crisis, Syria, strategic stability, etc.)?


Chair: Tatiana KASTOUÉVA-JEAN, Head of Ifri’s Russia/NIS Center


This seminar will be held in English under the Rule of Chatham House.

This event will be held within the framework of the “Observatoire Russie, Europe orientale et Caucase” with the support of DGRIS (Directorate General for International Relations and Strategy), French Ministry of Defence.