
Former Director of Ifri's Security Studies Center

Research Interests:

  • French and U.S. defense policies
  • Nuclear policies, proliferation, arms control and disarmament
  • Future conflict
  • Military technologies and capabilities



Dr. Corentin Brustlein was the Director of the Security Studies Center at the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) from 2015 to 2021. Prior to assuming this role in 2015, he had been the head of the institute’s Deterrence and Proliferation program [1]. His areas of expertise include nuclear and conventional deterrence, strategic stability and arms control, U.S. and French defense policies, and force projection and conventional warfare. At Ifri, he was also the editor of the Proliferation Papers [2], he contributed from 2008 onwards to the various activities conducted by the joint civil-military research unit established at Ifri (LRD), and bloged at Ultima Ratio [3].

Dr. Brustlein holds a Ph.D. in political science from the Jean Moulin University of Lyon, and has taught strategic studies, strategic analysis, and international relations theory at Sciences Po Paris, the Jean Moulin University of Lyon, and other academic institutions. 

Domaines d'expertise
Sécurité et Défense
Dissuasion et prolifération
Laboratoire de Recherche sur la Défense