Jeudi 02 Avril 2020
de 14:30 à 15:30
Débats Visioconférences

While healthcare remains unaffordable for many US citizens, the congress, administration, and federal states are addressing the coronavirus epidemic. In the midst of the electoral campaign, this crisis seems to result in a form of national unity. Is it beneficial for President Trump? What are the chances for his rival Joe Biden? On the international stage, Washington's response is awaited as Beijing seeks to impose its triumphant narrative.


Chair : Thomas Gomart, director of Ifri.


This debate is for corporate members only. It will be conducted in French.


Listen to Laurence Nardon's podcast for Slate on "Face au coronavirus, les inquiétantes réactions de Trump" (In French)


Listen to Laurence Nardon's podcast for Slate on "Le système de santé américain face au coronavirus" (In French)