Publié le 23/04/2021
Paris, August 22, 2019 - President Macron welcoming PM Johnson


What does future hold for the Franco-British defense partnership after Brexit?

France and the United Kingdom have, for long, enjoyed a close defense relationship, thanks in part to their analogous strategic cultures. The 2010 Lancaster House treaties built on this proximity to expand cooperation in the fields of nuclear weapons, force projection, interoperability and industrial integration. In spite of genuine progress in the first years following the treaties, the Franco-British strategic partnership has had to face two pitfalls: on the one hand, Brexit and its political consequences for the United Kingdom, and, on the other hand, President Macron’s attempt to revive European defense and Franco-German cooperation. The tenth anniversary of Lancaster House should offer the opportunity to rethink the convergence between bilateral cooperation and the resolutely European horizon of French defense policy.

This content is available in French: Complémentarité ou concurrence ? La coopération franco-britannique et l'horizon européen de la défense française [1].