Lundi 14 Mars 2022
de 17:30 à 19:00
Débats Conférences

Currently facing one of its most important crisis since the end of the Cold War, the Atlantic Alliance is to meet at the Madrid Summit in June 2022 to adopt its new Strategic Concept. Resulting from a process that started more than one year ago, this capstone document meant to frame the next decade will have to take into account important geopolitical evolutions that have occurred since the last version, published in 2010: the rise of the great power competition, the diffusion of hybrid threats, the advent of Indo-Pacific strategies, etc. The next Strategic Concept will need to address internal debates within the Alliance regarding its cohesion and objectives. At last, the challenge will be to further develop NATO's articulation with the European Union, whose own framework document, the "Strategic Compass", should be published in March. 

Speaker : 

Benedetta Berti, head of Policy Planning in the Office of the Secretary General at NATO, Associate Researcher at the Institute for European Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussels and a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

Benedetta Berti


Chairmen : 

Elie Tenenbaum, directeur du Centre des études de sécurité de l’Ifri
Eric-André Martin, Secrétaire général du Comité d’études des relations franco-allemandes (Cerfa) de l’Ifri. 


This event will be held in English in a hybrid format: on-site within Ifri's seating capacity and in visioconference. 

This content is available in French: /fr/debats/otan-concept-strategique-face-aux-nouvelles-menaces