Vendredi 30 Octobre 2009
de 07:45 à 09:15
Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Ifri Paris

Conference organised by the IFRI and the CEPII around Jeffry A. Frieden, Professor, Department of Government, Harvard University. Moderator: Jacques Mistral, Head of Economic Studies, IFRI. Discussants: Patrick Allard, Counsellor, Centre for Analysis & Forecasting, French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Deputy-Director, CEPII.

Conference in english

Global macroeconomic imbalances were a major cause of the current crisis, and attempts to deal with them are certain to create powerful national and international tensions. What are those tensions likely to be, and what do they tell us about prospects for the future? Rebalancing of growth, then, raises again the problem of winners and losers. The structure of interests in the major societies will change as their economic orientation changes. How can governments facilitate positive changes and strengthen an international environment in which cooperation among the major powers takes place?