Jeudi 02 Décembre 2004
de 08:00 à 17:00
Débats Séminaires et tables rondes

As part of the HSEI (Human Space Exploration Initiative) led by CSIS and following debates and consultations previously held (cf. in particular the October 12 workshop on the same topic), CFE joined CSIS and ISU to organize a reflection group in Strasbourg on Dec 2-3.

On Dec. 2, challenges related to a futur paradigm for space law have been addressed with Phillipe Achilleas from IDEST, Valérie Zinck-Dasmien from ESA (text.pdf), Philippe Clerc from Arianespace et André Farrand from ESA. See the assessment of these sessions by Kevin Madders, Interdisciplinary Centre for Space Studies, moderator.

On Dec. 3, Richard Heidmann from the Association Planète Mars (text.pdf) and Max Grimard from EADS (text.pdf), addressed questions related to the private sector involvement in space exploration and new funding models for space exploration.