Jeudi 10 Novembre 2011
de 11:45 à 13:30
Débats Dîners et déjeuners-débats
Ifri Paris

Luncheon debatte dedicated to Ifri's corporate members, by invitation only.

While the campaign for the republican primaries continues -opposing several radical conservative with ties to the Tea parties to the more centrist and uncharismatic Mormon Mitt Romney-, President Obama is starting his own campaign on a more resolute tone -at last- focusing on his new jobs plan.

The economic situation and the growing polarization of political life should be at the center of the debates in the coming year.

One year before the presidential elections, the outcome remains very open. Dr. Laurence nardon, Head of the U.S. Program at Ifri, analyses and comments on the different issues.

Présidence : Dominique David, Executive Vice President, Ifri

Luncheon organised with the support of