Publié le 09/12/2009

On the occasion of Barack Obama's Nobel Peace prize-giving ceremony a live TV broadcast from Oslo, was organized by Ifri and the Embassy of the United States. The annual conference on the United States, organized by the United States program continued on December 11 notably with Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor at Ifri, Thomas Heller, L. Talbot and N. Hearn Shelton Professor of International Legal Studies, Emeritus, Stanford Law School, John Bruton, Former EU Ambassador to the United States, Former Taoiseach and Hubert Védrine, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Read E.J. Dionne's article, Columnist, The Washington Post [1]

This content is published in French only - Programme de la conférence annuelle 2009 : Un an après l'élection d'Obama : quelle est l'ampleur du changement ? [2]

This content is publised in French only - Un après l'élection d'Obama : quelle est l'ampleur du changement ? [3]