Mercredi 19 Novembre 2014
de 12:45 à 14:30
Débats Dîners et déjeuners-débats
Ifri Paris

A luncheon debate with Dr. Marie-Claire AOUN, Director of the Energy Centre énergie, Ifri.

Concentrated for a long time in the OPEC countries and Russia, hydrocarbon resources now reveal a more balanced dispatch on the global energy scene. This new geopolitical situation of energy resources represent a major challenge for traditional hydrocarbon producing countries. With huge internal political and economic challenges and the transition of energy demand in many consumer countries, could the non-conventional hydrocarbon revolution weaken or re-define the role of OPEC countries and of Russia on the global energy scene? What are the strategies of these countries to adapt with the emergence of a new energy world?

These luncheon debates are exlusively dedicated to Ifri corporate and individual benefactor members. By personal invitation.