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under an open access policy in French, English, German and Russian,
Ifri enriches the international debate with a constant concern for
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79 Résultats

War 2.0: Irregular Warfare in the Information Age argues that two intimately connected trends are putting modern armies under huge pressure to adapt: the rise of insurgencies and the rise of the Web. Both in cyberspace and in warfare, a public dimension has assumed increasing importance in...


La présidence de George Bush se solde par un désastre : l'Irak, la corruption, l'incompétence, l'irresponsabilité financière et, en toile de fond, une économie qui rappelle celle de la fin de XIXe siècle, douce aux riches, dure pour les pauvres et surtout menaçante pour les classes moyennes....


A l'occasion du 50e anniversaire de la signature des traités de Rome, des auteurs français et allemands font le point sur la construction européenne. Si ce sont Paris et Bonn/Berlin qui, en commun, ont donné les impulsions décisives pour faire avancer la CE/UE, aujourd'hui, suite aux...


Les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 ont brutalement posé la question des libertés politiques dans le monde arabe. Ces pays musulmans ne seraient-ils que des 'démocraties sans démocrates' ? La frustration de populations réprimées serait-elle une cause de la 'violence islamiste' ?


Since the late 1980s a number of regional developments have impacted upon South Korea's political and economic standing in Asia. China's spectacular growth and closer integration with its neighbouring economies, along with a tendency toward more assertive political and...


For a long time, French military with migration background have been counting on the army to erase the social and cultural prejudice they have been suffering. But are they really military as others or are they constituing a specific population? Does the French army offers the opportunity for...


Of all the countries that joined the EU in 2004 Poland was by far the largest and the most vocal. Its confidence and assertiveness over the European constitution, together with its strong support for US policy over Iraq, suggested that Warsaw was determinated from the start to be a heavyweight...