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Economic issues are covereded from a political economy perspective: changes in the global economic system, governance and institutions, dynamics and trends in different economic zones (USA, Russia, China, Emerging ...). European problems are given special attention.

Sébastien JEAN

Associate Director of Ifri's Geoeconomics and Geofinance initiative 


Due to historical as well as geographical reasons, India and East Africa have long been close partners. In the recent period however, and even more so since the early 2000s, these ties have tightened as a result of combined efforts by the government of India and its business community. <...>


Despite their difference in size, Korea and the EU have developed over time a strong and deep relation through direct investment flows. Germany dominates the relationship, but there remains ample room for the other EU member-states to further develop their relations with Korea.

By: Françoise NICOLAS, Sohyun Zoe LEE

Françoise Nicolas contributed the chapter on trade, providing more insights into the opportunities and challenges South Korea and the EU need to address to revive the rules-based multilateral trading system.


As the world’s center of gravity has shifted to Asia, the European Union must also be present in the region. In particular, it must develop its relations with Asian countries that have long been neglected to the sole benefit of China -- namely India, but above all the countries of Southeast...

By: Thierry VIRCOULON, Dominique LECOMPTE 

Although it has largely gone unnoticed in France, the agreement signed on December 3, 2020 between the European Union (EU) and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) is a major shift in the long-standing relations between the EU and countries in the Global South. ...

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