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Southeast Asia


Over the past decade or so Southeast Asia has gone through multiple developments which usher in an era of alarming political uncertainty. While several countries were thought to be heading toward democracy (Myanmar, Thailand), recent events suggest that vested interests die hard and that defending citizens’ hard-won rights is a daunting task. In the wake of the health crisis other countries are faced with serious socio-economic difficulties which threaten their stability and wealth (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines). In a context of sino-US rivalry, each of the great powers seeks to push its own interests, potentially disrupting local stability. Southeast Asia has undoubtedly become a battleground for bipolar rivalry. 

Through its research activities, Ifri's Center for Asian Studies aims to provide a better understanding of the evolutions and main trends of this regions' actors.

Director, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri
Françoise NICOLAS

Senior Advisor, Center for Asian Studies


Assessing the state of democracy in Asia is a challenge. While some countries, such as Japan and India, have been showing the way from early days, some others, such as in Southeast Asia are still struggling to ensure stable and sustainable democratic institutions and practices.


Southeast Asia is one of the world's most dynamic regions and experiences strong economic and energy demand growth rates. In this context, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is seeking to interconnect the electric grids and gas networks of the countries...


On Tuesday July 12th, after three years of deliberations, the Permanent Court of Arbitration finally delivered its verdict on the conflict opposing the Philippines and China over status of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. The judgment is historic, as it goes far beyond the...


In the South China Sea, the field of marine science could be seen as a catalyst for functional cooperation in the region. In reality, it often reflects regional asymmetries and has become yet another domain in which the weight of China is ultimately a destabilizing factor, according to Sophie...


Asia is now a nerve center for global economic activity and a theatre of some of the most pressing security concerns of our time. So important has Asia become to global affairs today, and ostensibly for the decades to come, that many have already dubbed the 21st Century as the “Asian Century”....

Tuesday 12 December 2017
from 09:30 to 17:30 - Conférences

As the regional balance of power in Asia continues to evolve and tensions in a number of hot spots - from the Korean Peninsula to the East and South China Seas and the Taiwan Strait - either simmer or intensify, the future of regional stability is increasingly uncertain. Within this context,...

Monday 18 September 2017
from 09:30 to 17:30 - Seminars and Round-table Conferences

In 2013, Chinese president Xi Jinping first unveiled his broad vision to develop regional connectivity and infrastructure across Eurasia that would later be officially named the Belt and Road Initiative (or yi dai yi lu, One Belt, One Road, or OBOR). 

Tuesday 18 October 2016
from 09:45 to 17:00 - Conférences

As the regional balance of power in East Asia continues to evolve and tensions in a number of hot spots - from the East and South China Seas to the Korean Peninsula and the Taiwan Strait - either simmer or intensify, the future of regional stability is increasingly uncertain....

Monday 18 May 2015
from 18:00 to 19:30 - Seminars and Round-table Conferences

Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Senior Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines will tackle issues relating to the South China Sea dispute including its scope, the nature of the arbitration case filed by the Philippines before an arbitral panel under...

Tuesday 10 February 2015
from 09:00 to 11:00 - Seminars and Round-table Conferences

Vietnam, as one of the parties negotiating  the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), is expecting a signature of the mega free trade deal for the first half of 2015. The agreeement will represent a huge opportunity for the Vietnamese economy but will also trigger important...

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