Publié le 01/09/2014

FOCUS China: A New Diplomacy?

Asia-Pacific: China's Foreign Policy Priority [1] by Alice Ekman (read the article in French [2])

Abe’s Japan and Xi’s China: from Cold Peace to Hot War? [3] by Céline Pajon

Disputes in the South China Sea: Troubled Southeast Asian Waters [4] by Ian Storey (read the article in English) [5]

China’s Role in Multilateral Economic Institutions, between Revisionism and Status Quo [6] by Françoise Nicolas

Mines and Energy: are Chinese Investments playing with or against the Markets? [7] by John Seaman


COUNTERPOINT Israel/Palestine

The Two-State Solution is Still Possible [8] by Shaul Arieli (read the article in French) [9]

John Kerry in the Middle East: from Weak to Hopeful Diplomacy? [10] by  Antoine Coppolani



The European Union to Ukraine’s Rescue [11]by Dominik Tolksdorf (read the article in English [12])

Syria: Ankara versus Tehran? [13] by Özcan Yilmaz



Understanding Political Instability in Thailand: Constitutionalism and Coups d’États [14] by Eugénie Mérieau

Transitional Justice in the Arab World: Fortune and Misfortune [15] by Myriam Benraad

The Central African Republic: Analysis of a Largely Unknown Crisis [16] by Thibaud Lesueur

International Relations: the Era of Anthropologists [17] by François Gaulme


You can read in French the Editorial of Politique étrangère, Vol. 79, No. 3, Fall 2014 [18].

You can read in French the Book reviews of Politique étrangère, Vol. 79, No. 3, Fall 2014 [19].