Politique étrangère Articles from Politique Etrangère

Asia-Pacific: China’s Foreign Policy Priority Politique étrangère, Vol. 79, No. 3, Fall 2014

China is increasingly active in the Asia-Pacific region, an area that makes up the main focus of its foreign policy.

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To date, China’s behavior has not followed a clearly defined and integrated strategy, but has sought to defend its interests, particularly economic, against those of the United States and its allies. With this aim in mind, China has moved slowly, progressively deploying its commercial power, but also through more strong-handed maneuvers, which have alarmed its neighbors.

Article published in  Politique étrangère, Vol. 79, No. 3, Fall 2014

This paper is published in French only – Asie-Pacifique : la priorité de la politique étrangère chinoise

Chinese Foreign Policy regional cooperation Xi Jinping Asia Asia-Pacific Central Asia China Southeast Asia