Jeudi 30 Septembre 2010
de 18:00 à 19:30
Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Ifri Paris

As politics resume in Washington, Democrats face a difficult path as they anticipate losses in the upcoming midterm election.Obama's tactical errors and a bad economy only make their situation more dire. The upcoming session won't necessarily be any easier for Republicans who lack comprehensive views beyond opposition to Obama and who can only watch as the Tea Party takes over the GOP's heart and soul. 

Joined by Marjorie Paillon, journalist, founder of, co-author of McCain, le survivant ; Frederick T. Davis, American lawyer and member of the Paris and New York bars, member of the board of directors of the French-American Foundation France ; Stu Haugen, former president of "Republicans Abroad France" and Pierre Melandri, professor of American History at Sciences-Po.

Facilitator : Jacques Mistral, Director of Economic Studies at Ifri

The seminar will be held in English and French without translation.