Jeudi 03 Novembre 2016
de 17:00 à 18:30
Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Hors les murs

In the middle of an intense debate on progress that could be made on european defence, this high level conference will feature H. E. Alfonso Dastís, Permanent Representative of Spain to the EU and H. E. Pierre Sellal, Permanent Representative of France to the EU, who will give introductory remarks on European security. Thomas Gomart, director of Ifri and Charles Powell, director of Elcano Royal Institute, will then discuss defence, security and foreign policy challenges for Europe after Brexit. 

This launching event between our two institutes intends to showcase how to bridge possible differences on matters of pressing urgency for Europe at a time when the security of Europe is considered one of the most important challenges by European citizens. 

This event will be followed by a reception hosted by the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU.