Jeudi 16 Novembre 2017
de 09:00 à 11:30
Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Hors les murs

This energy breakfast aims at taking stock of recent global gas market trends, with a focus on investments and their implications and discussing opportunities and challenges to the current and longer term role of gas in the European energy and power generation mix. The proposed discussion comes at a critical time for the EU energy policy agenda: coal fired power generation is expected to progressively decline and power markets require flexibility, climate policy instruments, electricity and gas market regulation as well as transport policies, where gas has a growing role to play, are being adjusted or reshaped; and “green gas” and hydrogen, alongside batteries, electric vehicles and CCS are emerging as possible new tools for the European energy transition.

The energy breakfast will start with presentations from the distinguished speakers and will end with a broad discussion with the audience.

Moderator: Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Directeur, Centre Energie, Ifri


  • Global gas markets, investments and medium term perspectives
    Laszlo Varro, Chief Economist, International Energy Agency
  • The future of gas demand in the European energy transition
    Sylvie Cornot Gandolphe, Associate Research  Fellow, Ifri
  • Developments and opportunities for gas in Europe – an industry perspective
    Fabrice Noilhan, Senior Executive Vice-President, Gaz, EDF