Vendredi 04 Mai 2018
de 09:00 à 11:30
Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Hors les murs

The stakes are particularly high in Germany where more than 100GW of renewable capacity has been deployed, while coal still accounts for about 40% of the electricity produced. Following the UK’s example, France has repeatedly called for the introduction of an EU or regional carbon price floor for the power generation sector, as a way to guarantee stable incentives to switch to less emission-intensive technologies. This proposal is triggering interest in neighbouring States but concrete steps are still missing, knowing that the German government’s coalition agreement remains largely evasive on the topic of carbon pricing. 

This Ifri Energy Roundtable will aim at discussing the most realistic options for accelerating coal phase out in North-Western Europe. 

Introduction by Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director of the Ifri Centre for Energy 

  • Suzana Carp, Bussels Representative, SANDBAG - Analysis of the post-reform EU ETS & lessons learnt from the UK carbon price floor experience
  • Ghislain Ferran, Head of Carbon Markets Unit, French Ministry for an Ecological and Inclusive Transition - France's proposal for a regional carbon price floor: what next?
  • Felix Matthes, Research Coordinator for Energy & Climate, Öko-Institut - Germany’s new government: any strategy to reduce coal and GHG emissions ?
  • Emmanuel Tuchscherer, Director of European Affairs, ENGIE - Is the EU ETS fit for the power sector? 

Moderator: Olivier Appert, Senior Advisor, Ifri Centre for Energy


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