
Former Military Fellow, Defense Research Unit (LRD), Security Studies Center

Research Interests: 

  • Cyberwarfare
  • Information Warfare
  • Middle-East Security Studies 


Commander Jean-Baptiste Florant is a former Research fellow and a member of the Defense Research Unit (LRD) at Ifri's Security Studies Center, where he conducted studies on Cyber, informational and decision-making superiority. As an active officer in the French Navy for 20 years, his career has mainly led him to Central Europe, Africa and the Middle East. 

Jean-Baptiste Florant holds degrees in International Relations (UPEM) and in Arabic and Islamic Studies (Inalco - Langues'O), as well as the French Navy Technical Staff Certificate.

Domaines d'expertise
Sécurité et Défense
Laboratoire de Recherche sur la Défense