Mercredi 09 Septembre 2020
de 12:30 à 13:30
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But for the green recovery to materialize, Member States need to fully align their national strategies with the EU’s 2050 climate neutrality goal, which is not yet guaranteed in the case of Poland. Referring to its strong dependence on coal and current level of socio-economic development, Poland stresses that it can only reach climate neutrality ‘at its own pace’ and with financial support adequate to the scale of challenges.

While the EU is preparing the roll out of new legislation based on the 2050 climate neutrality goal, this Ifri Green Deal Virtual Lunch aims to discuss ways to overcome Poland’s resistance to Europe’s increased decarbonisation commitments, and how Poland could accelerate its decarbonisation.

  • Adam Guibourge-Czetwertyński, Under Secretary of State, Republic of Poland
  • Aleksandra Gawlikowska-Fyk, Head of the Power Project, Forum Energii
  • Jos Delbeke, Professor at the European University Institute and KU Leuven, Former Director-General for Climate Action at the European Commission 

Chair: Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director, Ifri Center for Energy & Climate

Moderation: Carole Mathieu, Head of EU Policies, Ifri Center for Energy & Climate