Mercredi 25 Mai 2022
de 09:30 à 11:30
Débats Visioconférences

The discussion is probably most advanced in Finland and Sweden, where NATO membership is now seriously considered. In Austria and Malta, the status of neutrality is enshrined in the constitutions, while Ireland has made it a cornerstone of foreign policy.

What does neutrality and non-alignment means today in Europe's geopolitical age , especially after Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine? Is the historical context still relevant? To what extent did EU membership already affect the status and policy of neutrality and non-alignment? 

Opening : 

Dietmar Schweisgut, General Secretary , Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe 


Discussion :

Sophie Enos-Attali, Professor of Political Science, Institut catholique de Paris (ICP)

Thomas Mayr-Harting, fmr. Ambassador

Hanna Ojanen, Research Director , Faculty of Management and Business, université de Tampere

Daniel Woker , fmr. Swiss Ambassador, Co-founder 'Share-an-Ambassador/geopolitical coaching', Vice-President 'Groupe de réflexion' Platform Switzerland-Europe


Moderation : 

Dominique David, President, Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europ


The videoconference will be held in english


Registrations by mail to

Registrations will be accepted until May 23rd