Publié le 27/04/2007


' Fall of manpower, structural changes of the working population insufficiently taken into account, threats on the social rights (…), crumbling of the representativeness (…) ', such are some of the many challenges which the French and German trade unions must face, whereas the rate of unionisation is with lowest. After comparing the fall of unionisation in France and in Germany, 

Brigitte Lestrade gives the socioeconomic and cultural reasons for this evolution. Then, she exposes the various priority reforms of the French and German trade unions having difficulties to adapt the changes of the society.

Brigitte Lestrade is professor of German civilization at the university of Cergy-Pontoise, director of the UFR of Languages and director of Master 1 Comparative Comtempory Civilizations.


This content is published in French -  Les syndicats en France et en Allemagne : Difficules adaptations aux mutations de la société [1]