Jeudi 11 Mars 2010
de 09:00 à 11:30
Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Hors les murs

Dans le cadre de Ifri Energy Breakfast Roundtable, un séminaire avec Michel Dervedet, directeur de la communication et de la Division Affaires publiques, RTE, Régis Hourdouillie, directeur Stratégie Produit et Programme Smart Grid, Areva, T&D et Guido Bartels, Président, Gridwise (à confirmer).
Présidence : William C. Ramsay, Senior Fellow, Director of the Ifri Energy Program et Jacques Lesourne, président du Comité scientifique du programme Energie de l'Ifri.

The Smart grids technologies are promoted by many governments as a way of addressing energy security and climate change challenges. However in light of the investments involved, there is more to it than a simple upgrading of the current network. This seminar will showcase current deployments of smart grids in the US and in Europe examining regulatory, commercial, market and industry issues. Our experts will discuss various issues surrounding Smart Grid including costs, benefits and the regulatory framework that would give investors long term visibility. Smart grids have to be smart from production to consumption. For this occasion we are looking upstream at the producers of power including solar and wind. In a later edition we will examine smart grids at the point of consumption.