Vendredi 27 Mai 2011
de 08:30 à 10:00
Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Ifri Paris

The Obama Presidency - Year 3: Gridlock or Opportunity? Seminar Series on the United States


The American Muslim community differs from those in France and Europe as a whole. For example, it benefits from high income and education levels that provide hope for integration without religious intolerance. Ten years after 9/11, many signs of Islamophobia are yet to dissappear. What does the Ameican Dream look like for Muslim-Americans today?

Mansouria Mokhefi, head of Ifri's Middle East and North Africa program and former professor at Vassar College, New York
David Kaplan, Associate Professor of Geography, Kent State University, Chair in Geopolitics at the Institut français de géopolitique, University of Paris 8
Djelloul Beghoura, producer, France Télévision
Facilitator : Christophe Guillemin, Executive Director at the French American Foundation - France

In partnership with the French American Foundation - France