Vendredi 16 Novembre 2012
de 08:30 à 10:00
Débats Conférences
Hors les murs

The 2012 U.S. Elections have highlighted the divisions within the American political landscape. Fundamental differences in policy and ideology have considerably shaped the overall debate. Still, the race for the White House has been far closer than what observers around the world believed. On November 16 we are delighted to have with us John Harris, Editor in Chief of Politico, one of the nation"s leading political journalism organizations, as well as Laurence Nardon, who heads Ifri"s program on the United States. Ian Lesser, Executive Direcor of the GMF's Transatlantic Center in Brussels will moderate the event.

Ten days after, we look forward to what promises to be a lively debate on the results of the elections, the dynamics behind these results, and what 2012 may tell us about the future of the U.S. as a society and as a transatlantic partner.

The event will be held in English.