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Associate Research Fellow, Energy and Climate Center, Ifri

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Research Areas:

  • China's energy and climate policies
  • Energy efficiency strategy
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Climate & Energy
Center for Energy & Climate
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An Associate Resarch Fellow at Ifri's Energy and Climate Center since November 2017, Thibaud Voïta is a clean energy and climate policy expert and consultant, working on Chinese energy policies, sustainable energy issues and climate change. He has worked for more than 15 years on energy transitions and climate policies. He has managed partnerships accelerating energy transitions and involving multinational companies in 50 countries or so, has advised African governments on the implementation of their climate policies, and has supported Chinese facilities in their energy efficiency efforts.

He has defended a PhD on China’s energy policies in 2011 and has worked with the United Nations, the International Energy Agency, and private companies. He has lived in China (he speaks Mandarin) and in several European countries.

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Ramses Conference
Analysis from Thibaud VOÏTA
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European Solar PV Manufacturing: Terminal Decline or Hope for a Rebirth?

Date de publication
25 April 2024

While solar photovoltaic (PV) installations are booming in Europe (and in other parts of the world), the local industry is closing down. Over the past two years, the European installed solar PV capacity has been multiplied by two. On the other hand, the remaining European manufacturers of solar PV panels are dying.

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COP27: Will Egypt Bring New Life to Climate Conferences?

Date de publication
21 October 2022

The COP26, held at the end of 2021 in Glasgow, was emphatically heralded as “the last best hope for the world to get its act together”.

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The Renovation Wave: A Make or Break for the European Green Deal

Date de publication
12 October 2020

European buildings are old and too often inefficient, past policies have not delivered and the amount of investment into energy efficiency must be scaled up dramatically to meet the 2030 targets and ultimately, the carbon neutrality objective.

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Going Green: Are Chinese Cities Planting the Seeds for Sustainable Energy Systems?

Date de publication
14 February 2019

The Global Climate Action Summit held in September 2018 in California has highlighted the importance of cities for promoting clean energy solutions and for combatting climate change. While energy policies in most countries depend primarily on national governments, cities have the possibility to develop and implement innovative solutions and ambitious policies. Chinese cities should be at the core of these developments, as they are confronted with many energy and climate challenges, often at an unprecedented scale: notably air quality, traffic congestion, energy security and massive consumption of building materials. For instance, outdoor air pollution in China has reportedly caused 1 million premature deaths in 2016, and in 2014 only 8 out of 74 Chinese cities would meet the national standards in terms of air quality.

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The Power of China’s Energy Efficiency Policies

Date de publication
05 September 2018

In just a few years, China has gained the status of an energy efficiency champion. 

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China’s National Carbon Market: a Game Changer in the Making?

Date de publication
22 March 2018

As 2017 drew to close, China officially approved plans for its long-awaited national Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) outlined some of the implementation details[1]. Though it will be limited to the power sector (and combined heat and power, or CHP) at first, it will nevertheless be the world’s largest carbon market. It is expected to cover 1,700 companies representing approximately 30% of China’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. China’s CO2 emissions from fuel combustion amounted to approximately 8,796 metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent (MtCO2Eq.) in 2016, and seem to remain stable since 2014, though they appear to increase again in 2017[2]. Shanghai should host the national market exchange, which will be jointly owned by the governments of other provinces while Hubei should host the registry[3].

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