Publié le 22/07/2015

In the run up to the international climate conference (COP 21) which will be held in Paris in December 2015, the Ifri Centre for Energy contributes to the debate on climate change policies and on the way the international negotiations are structured.

In the first place, the Ifri Centre for Energy gathers with CDC Climat Research to organize jointly a series of “Climate Breakfast Roundtables" with economic decision-makers (public authorities, private companies, investors, etc...). These events aim at promoting a better understanding of the key challenges of these international negotiations, by shedding light on the latest progresses and on the commitments taken by the different countries. Each roundtable is structured around the intervention of a representative of a country involved in the process of these international negotiations. The speaker presents the domestic climate policies and elaborates on the country’s stances in the negotiation, before opening discussions with the attendees.

Joint Communiqué Ifri - CDC Climat Recherche [1]

Climate Breakfast Roundtables hosted to date:

In addition, the Ifri Centre for Energy publishes a new series of short papers to provide insight on the stakes of the negotiation for the different parties and on the key expectations towards the Paris Conference in 2015.

List of recent publications: