media Ifri in the Media

David Pratt on The World: Darkness is descending upon Myanmar

Six weeks after a coup the military repression is escalating with human rights activists saying ‘crimes against humanity’ are likely being committed. Foreign Editor David Pratt examines a brutal crackdown by an army with form in committing atrocities


For many Burmese it has brought new meaning to the term “night terrors”. Online the hashtag #nightdragging is used by many residents among Myanmar’s towns and cities to help band together and co-ordinate warnings and resistance to the night-time raids by security forces looking for daytime protesters.


Ruling for nearly half a century, “the military top brass had time to enrich themselves”, said Francoise Nicolas, Asia director of the French Institute of International Relations. The brief stint of quasi-civilian rule from 2011/21 did little to change that. But the military may have feared for its future prospects after Suu Kyi’s party won by a landslide in November, Nicolas told Agence France Presse (AFP) recently. 


> Read the whole article on The Herald website

Coup d'Etat Asia Myanmar