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Climate policies and energy transition


The Climate policies and energy transition research axis whithin Ifri's Center for Energy & Climate deals with the climate change policies adopted at national levels, as well as the positions of the main emitting countries in the international climate negociations. In particular, this area focuses on the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate and global efforts to reduce green-house gas emissions to limit the increase of temperature at +1,5° by 2100.

Marc-Antoine EYL-MAZZEGA

Director of Ifri’s Center for Energy & Climate

Diana-Paula GHERASIM

Research Fellow, Head of European energy and climate policies, Center for Energy & Climate

Thibault MICHEL

Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate


Associate Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate


Associate Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate


The European Green Deal (EGD) is the single most defining policy initiative of the von der Leyen Commission. Since its publication in December 2019, it has become the European Union’s (EU) new raison d’être: protecting the planet and Europeans from environmental...


For decades, the large Groningen gas field has been a central pillar of the Dutch welfare state. The availability of gas was so self-evident that many generations still identify with the slogan “Nederland gasland” (“The Netherlands, a gas country”). The nearing end of Dutch gas now...

By: Vincent DONNEN

The decarbonisation of our economies, along with the challenges of strengthening the resilience of industrial value chains, reindustrialisation, notably through low-carbon and digital technologies, and the end of a period of cheap oil and gas, are accelerating the advent of an era of increased...


Only eight years are left to expand by almost three times the current total installed wind and solar energy capacity in the European Union (EU) in adding around 600 gigawatts (GW), and so reach the highly-ambitious 2030 targets. This requires a mobilization whose scale is immense – amidst...

By: Susanne NIES

The climate and geopolitical crises call for speeding up the implementation of the European Green Deal around two main pillars: reducing energy consumption and investing in low-carbon alternatives. The swift and massive deployment of renewable energies (REN) is a major industrial challenge for...

Wednesday 19 May 2021
from 09:00 to 10:30 - Videoconferences

President Xi has surprised both the world and Chinese stakeholders in announcing the carbon neutrality objective by 2060. Yet the first announcements on China’s new Five Year Plan give little hope for a substantial policy adjustment in order to peak greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years...

Thursday 15 April 2021
from 12:45 to 14:00 - Videoconferences

Electricity systems of the North-West area of continental Europe will go through fundamental changes in the coming years. Decarbonization and diversification strategies adopted in Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands will lead to a swift phase out of large amounts of dispatchable coal...

Thursday 11 February 2021
from 12:30 to 14:00 - Videoconferences

Italy is firmly committed to decarbonizing its economy, with policy measures including phasing out coal by 2025, encouraging home renovations with generous tax breaks and expanding the use of renewables in the electricity, heating, and transport sectors. 

Thursday 05 November 2020
from 12:30 to 13:45 - Videoconferences

For Europe to reach climate neutrality by 2050, the European Commission (EC) expects offshore wind capacity to go from 23 GW  today to up to 450 GW, with half of this capacity to be installed in the North Sea, the pioneer region with still large untapped wind resources. 

Wednesday 22 April 2020
from 09:00 to 11:00 - Videoconferences

EU’s carbon neutrality objective requires to decarbonize all sectors and notably, all gases. Decarbonized hydrogen has now been recognized as a critical element of a carbon neutral economy and energy system. The EU should aim for global leadership in this field while Japan, California or China...

Friday 28 February 2020
from 09:00 to 11:00 - Seminars and Round-table Conferences

Spain is the fourth largest economy of the Eurozone, its economy is back on track and its Prime minister Pedro Sanchez managed to set up a coalition in a fragmented parliament. The country appears to be both an institutional and energy policy laboratory that attracts a lot of attention. <...>