Debates Conférences
from 08:30 to 09:45
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Global Governance of Migration: A Challenge Beyond the North-South Paradigm GFMD Side Event

The global dialogue on migration is frequently stalled due to contradictory interests and positions between the countries of the North (Europe and North America) and the South. 

However, these positions do not take into account changes in migration profiles of countries, which can be departure, transit and receiving countries. Can multilateralism break with the North-South paradigm? Moreover, what is the added value of non-state actors (diaspora, NGOs, companies) or infra-state actors (local authorities) in the global governance of migration?



Bouchra Rahmouni, Senior Fellow, OCP Policy Center



Matthieu Tardis, Research Fellow for the Center for Migration and Citizenship, Ifri

Khalid Zerouali, Head of the Migration and Border Surveillance Directorate, Moroccan Interior Ministry

Thierno Camara, Chairman, Forum des Organisations de Solidarité Internationale issues des Migrations (FORIM)

Mohammed Loulichki, Senior Fellow, OCP Policy Center; Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva and New York



Palmeraie Room - Palmeraie Conference Center - Marrakesh, Morocco
Contact the organizers: 

For more information on the debate, please contact Lea Metke, Project Officer to the Director of Ifri (metke@ifri.org).

asile Crise migratoire Afrique Europe