Publications Notes de l'Ifri

The Moon, a Common Heritage of Mankind? How to Exploit Lunar Resources within the Framework of International Law Note de l'Ifri, December, 2006.

La Lune, patrimoine commun de l'Humanité? Comment exploiter les ressources lunaires dans le respect du droit international

In the light of Nasa's project of a Return to the Moon, Sabine Akbar addresses the legal debates surrounding the future scientific and commercial exploitation of Lunar ressources.

Sabine Akbar is a Research Associate at the Institut de Droit de l'Espace et des Télécommunications (IDEST) of the Jean Monnet Law Faculty (University Paris Sud-11). She initially wrote this policy paper as an academic dissertation under the supervision of Pr. Philippe Achilléas.

This document is published in French: La lune, patrimoine commun de l'humanité ? Comment exploiter les ressources lunaires dans le respect du droit international