Debates Seminars and Round-table Conferences
Ifri Paris
from 09:00 to 11:30
This event is for members

The Global Fight Against Avian Influenza: Lessons for the management of health and environmental crises.

The Global Fight Against Avian Influenza: Lessons for the management of health and environmental crises.

Where are we now in the fight against the avian influenza (AI) pandemic? While the disease is not making the headlines as it used to, the fight continues, both on the ground and in specialised institutional circles. The second study of Ifri"s Health&Environment programme delves into this ongoing process and draws out some lessons for the management of the AI crisis.

This discussion seminar will be the occasion to discuss the results of the second study of Ifri"s Health&Environment programme. Based on interviews with practitioners in Washington, Jakarta, Geneva, Paris, Brussels and Rome, and on the analysis of existing empirical research, the present study provides the reader with a practical and manageable toolkit for understanding the AI field - its characteristics, scientific dimension and current challenges, and an insight into the process of management of the crisis. As is usual with the Health and Environment Reports, the study will provide a prospective analysis of future developments, as well as policy-oriented recommendations for both the management of the AI crisis and the management of global health and environmental risks and crises more generally.

Aline Leboeuf heads the Health and Environment Research Programme at the French Institute for International Relations.

Ifri, Paris
Contact the organizers: 

Cécile Grima - grima@ifri.org