Debates Conférences
Ifri Paris
from 17:00 to 19:00
This event is public
Shutterstock/Singh Lens
Shutterstock/Singh Lens

UK Energy Policy and Brexit: Keeping the Power On

The United Kingdom faces numerous long term energy challenges, in a context of declining gas reserves, aging thermal power plants and increasing intermittent sources of power. To sustain its energy transition, the UK implemented a carbon price-floor, yet the development of renewable energy still lags behind plans.Whilst uncertainty remained high regarding security of supply and investments before new nuclear capacity come online, the historic referendum of 23rd June adds another level of complexity to the situation. Several months after the British people chose to step aside from the EU, virtually all questions regarding the exact consequences of this decision remain unanswered.

The UK has been one of the key actors in the liberalization of energy markets in the EU, and it remains unclear whether Brexit will change the general direction of European energy policies. Despite significant uncertainties, the experience of other EU non-Member countries allow broad predictions on possible outcomes and strategies in the near future. 


Chair: Marie-Claire Aoun, Director of the Ifri Center for Energy


  • The United Kingdom’s energy policy: historical overview

            Bruno Lescoeur, EDF, Advisor to the President and Chief Executive Officer

  • After Brexit: Overcoming the shockwave

            Vivien Pertusot, Head of Ifri Brussels 

  • Brexit impact on the UK energy policy and transition towards low carbon economy

            Antony Froggatt, Chatham House, Senior Research Fellow

  • What next for the EU energy  and climate policy after Brexit?

          Sir Philip Lowe, FTI Consulting Senior advisor, former Director-General for Energy at the European Commission

  • Q&A


The debate will be held in English under Chatham House rules


Institut Français des Relations Internationales, 27 rue de la Procession, 75015 Paris
Contact the organizers: 

REGISTRATION: breux@ifri.org

