Debates Dinners and Luncheons
Ifri Paris
at 12:45
This event is for members

Which international positioning for Russia after Crimea? Les Mensuelles Ifri/Entreprises


A luncheon debate with Thomas GOMART, Vice President for Strategic Development, Ifri.

The annexation of Crimea and the crisis in Ukraine have caused international contrasted reactions. Russia is subject to sanctions from the United States and the EU; it is  no more part of the G8. However, Moscow continues to have a strong influence over several files and to look for partnerships.

These luncheons are exlusively dedicated to corporate members and individual benefactors. By personal invitation.

Restaurant "Le Club SG" - Tour Chassagne 36ème étage Société Générale - 17 cours Valmy - La Défense 7
Contact the organizers: 

Cécile Campagne, Assistant in charge of relations with corporate members, strategic development office
Tel: +33 (0)1 40 61 60 21 - campagne@ifri.org

Partner of the debate
Société Générale
Russie Ukraine Crimée