Practical information
Dans le cadre de la Ifri Energy Breakfast Roundtable, un séminaire avec Antoine Ayoub, Professeur Emerite à l'Université de Laval, Québec, Denis Bauchard, conseiller de l'Unité Moyen-Orient Maghreb à l'Ifri et John Mitchell, chercheur au Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House).
Programme de la table ronde (pdf 41 ko)
Other events

A New Security Landscape in Northern Europe: building up France-Finland partnership for the future
As security tensions mount in Europe's far north, particularly as a result of Russian destabilization and intimidation, France and Finland are developing their defense cooperation and strategic partnership. On this occasion, Ifri welcomes French and Finnish decision-makers and experts to discuss opportunities for strengthening Franco-Finnish cooperation, taking into account current strategic challenges and future prospects.