Politique étrangère Articles from Politique Etrangère

France and Empire Philippe Moreau Defarges, Politique étrangère, No. 2, Summer 2000

France’s history is dominated by a contradictory relationship with the European empire: at some periods France has dreamed of being the imperial unifier of Europe; at the same time, in the name of the nation, she has obstinately combated several empire-building attempts, especially those made by Germany. Would the European Union not be this empire that France has both wanted and rejected? For France, the building of Europe does constitute a break: she is no longer a totally sovereign country, she belongs to a team. This implies that France has to radically reinvent herself. But in the end, are not all great nations today – even the United States – discovering themselves to be some countries among many others?

This content is published in French : La France et l'Empire