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Climate policies and energy transition


The Climate policies and energy transition research axis whithin Ifri's Center for Energy & Climate deals with the climate change policies adopted at national levels, as well as the positions of the main emitting countries in the international climate negociations. In particular, this area focuses on the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate and global efforts to reduce green-house gas emissions to limit the increase of temperature at +1,5° by 2100.

Marc-Antoine EYL-MAZZEGA

Director of Ifri’s Center for Energy & Climate

Diana-Paula GHERASIM

Research Fellow, Head of European energy and climate policies, Center for Energy & Climate

Thibault MICHEL

Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate


Associate Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate


Associate Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate

By: Lydia POWELL

India’s approach to climate negotiations results from the interplay of two distinct logics, an external one and an internal one. While the external logic is derived from quantitative attributes at the aggregate level, such as the overall size of India’s economy, the internal logic is derived...


Adaptation issues started to gain momentum from the Copenhagen conference in 2009. Up until then, international negotiations had focused on mitigation policies. However, the increase in weather events and the inadequate efforts to hold back global warming now make adaptation a key issue in...

By: Paul DEANE, , Cherrelle EID (IFRI),  Sean COLLINS, Brian O'GALLACHOIR (UCC), Rupert HARTEL, Dogan KELES, Wolf FICHTNER (KIT)

A report released by Insight_e,  the European energy consortium specialised on energy policy research and analysis<...>

By: Suh-Yong CHUNG

Korea is the world’s 14th largest economy but the 8th largest emitter of CO2 as of 2013, due largely to an energy-intensive industry structure. Although it has continuously reduced its dependency on petroleum since it introduced the Energy Master Plan in 2008, the relative portion of non...

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