Debates Videoconferences
from 09:30 to 10:30
This event is for members

After Brexit, what EU-UK relations? Les Jeudis de l'Ifri

A "Les jeudis de l'Ifri" videoconference around Claude-France ARNOULD, Advisor on european affairs at Ifri. 


The outcome of negotiations on an agreement defining the relationship from January 1, 2021 is still unknown. In mid-December 2020, the answer will be known. Either the agreement establishing the new partnership or the WTO regime will then have to be implemented. Either way, the Withdrawal Agreement should apply. Even with the best possible deal ultimately negotiated, the impact of the UK's non-membership of the European Union (EU) will be considerable.

What will be the consequences of the exit of the United Kingdom? For the British? For the European Union? What will remain of the “leave” expectations: “global Britain… taking back control”? What are the weakening and strengthening factors for the EU? What relations can be established outside of membership, and over time, with the United Kingdom, as with other essential partners?


ChairThomas Gomart, director of Ifri.


This debate is for corporate members only. It will be conducted in French.


Contact the organizers: 

For further information on this debate, please contact Sandrine Bañales, corporate and embassies memberships coordinator:  banales@ifri.org, 01 40 61 60 21.

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