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from 07:30 to 17:00
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The Annual Conference of the Ifri Energy Center

Conférence Annuelle du Centre Energie Ifri

2012 Annual Conference
Center for Energy at Ifri

Energy Tectonic: The Plates are Shifting
Energy Practices driven by events not by policy

Thursday 16th February 2012

Hôtel Le Plaza
Bd Adolphe Max 118-126, B-1000 Brussels

Morning Session

8:00-8:30 Registration and welcome coffee

8:30-8:45 Welcome address, Thierry de MONTBRIAL, President of Ifri

8:45-9:15 Opening with Ambassador Urban RUSNAK, Secretary General of the Energy Charter

9:30-11:00 Session I: Fossil Fuels Back in The Game
Chairman: Ambassador William RAMSAY,Former Deputy Executive Director, IEA, Senior Advisor, Ifri

Unconventional Fuels: An Energy Revolution under Way
Michael SCHAAL, Director Oil and Gas, EIA
Gas, the fastest growing source in the energy mix - a geopolitical assessment
Cristof van AGT, Senior Researcher for the International Energy Programme, Clingendael
Can we rule out oil price volatility?
Joël COUSE, Vice President Market Analysis, Total
The Arab Spring: What Impact for the Energy World?
Francis PERRIN, Chief Editor, Arab Petroleum Research Center

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-12:45 Session II: A sustainable energy mix even after Fukushima?
Chairman: Dominique MAILLARD, Chief Executive Officer, RTE

There is no “soft” energy: risk aversion
Jean de KERVASDOUE, Professor, CNAM (Centre National des Arts et Métiers)
Nuclear Power: A Necessary Low Carbon Baseload Option
Paul RORIVE, Member of the GDF SUEZ Executive Committee, in charge of Nuclear Development (tbc)
The European Power System-Decarbonization and Cost Reduction: Lost in Transmissions?
Maïté JAUREGUY-NAUDIN, Director, Ifri Center for Energy

Guest Speaker
A European vision: the 2050 roadmap
Philip LOWE, Director General for Energy, European Commission

12:45-14:00 Lunch

Afternoon sessions

14:00-15:30 Session III: Technologies: What"s in the pipe?
Chairman: Olivier APPERT, Chairman and CEO, IFP Energies Nouvelles

Energy Efficiency: still waiting
Bernard LAPONCHE, co-author of " Maîtrise de l'énergie pour un monde vivable " and "Maîtriser la consommation d'énergie"
Smart consumers: when and how?
Cheryl HICKS, project director, Sustainable Lifesyle 2050 project
Solar power in the Middle-East: saving oil
Arnaud CHAPERON, Senior Vice President of Electricity and Renewable Energies, Total
CCS: still waiting
Dereck TAYLOR, Regional Represenative - Europe, the Global CCS Institute

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:30 Session IV: Global warming - Going too slow, but still going?
Chairman: Claude MANDIL, Former Executive Director of the International Energy Agency

The Rotterdam Climate Initiative: cooperation for a 50% emissions reduction
Maarten de HOOG, Director, Port and Industry at the Environment Protection Agency of Rotterdam, Netherlands
Economic growth, unemployment.....and Climate change way down the EU member states agenda
Christian de PERTHUIS, Director, Mission Climat of the Caisse des Dépôts, Professor at the University Paris Dauphine
Why should we pay for additional energy costs?
Monique GOYENS, Director General, BEUC, the European Consumer's Organization

17:30 Concluding Remarks
Chairman: Jacques LESOURNE, President of the Scientific Commeetteen Center for Energy, Ifri

Keynote Speaker
Fluvio CONTI, CEO & General Manager ENEL, President of Eurelectric (tbc)

Hôtel Le Plaza - Bld Adolphe Max 118-126, B-1000 Brussels (metro:Rogier)
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