Debates Seminars and Round-table Conferences
Ifri Paris
from 09:30 to 11:00
This event is for members

The Role of the Media in Pakistan

The Role of the Media in Pakistan

This seminar welcomes Dr. Nazir Hussain, Associate Professor of International Relations at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad, Visiting Fellow in the India and South Asia Program of the Centre Asie, Ifri, and author of numerous articles and books, including: The Role of Media in the Internal Security of Pakistan (2008) and The Role of Media in India-Pakistan Relations: A Comparative Study of Kargil and Agra (forthcoming).

Chair: Dr. Gilles Boquérat, Head of the India and South Asia Program of the Centre Asie, Ifri.

This seminar will be held in English.

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